
Corrin Luella Avchin
1 min readDec 15, 2020

By: Corrin Luella Avchin

I am my mothers child.

I crave addictive men and addictive substances.

I am my fathers child.

I crave violence. Emotionally.

My body is always cold but the inside of me burns from a place I cannot grasp. I fear if I touch the flare inside of me, my entire being will vanish without my say.

I am fueled by rage I do not understand.

I am terrified to understand my temper.

These cravings gnaw inside of me if I do not give them a speck of what they want.

How do I give them what I want without giving particles of myself away?

What is the compromise?

Is there one?

It seems I am addicted to unrequited love.

It’s all I’ve ever know n— since birth.

So why wouldn’t I be attracted to what isn’t attracted to me?

Will this sequence ever stop? It’s absolutely exhausting to love someone or something that shows interest but eventually turns away.

It’s heart wrenching.

It’s all consuming.

Their demons swell inside of me.

This is their legacy.

Photo by Gian D on UnSplash

